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We Are Excited To Announce That After 17 Years We Are Moving.

Writer's picture: Lauren BramleyLauren Bramley

It has been a long and trying year for Hong Kong. Between the Political Unrest and Covid 19, the upheaval, stress and uncertainty has put a big strain on all of us. Although, we have made the very most of our clinic in Pacific House, where we have been located for the past 17 years, I have decided to leave and move to a safer and more accessible location.

When I left Hong Kong on March 15th for what was supposed to be 5 days, I did not know we would immediately face the logistics of Covid 19 with the health and family considerations, travel restrictions and quarantines. Thanks to our dedicated team who have worked extremely hard without me there and lots of video calls, our new venue at 41 Gough Street, Ground Floor will soon be ready.

June 6th will be our last day of operation at Pacific House. From June 7th to approximately July 24th we will then limit our services to virtual consultations and refill delivery service. During this time please communicate with us via Whats App, Email, or the chat listed on our website. PLease be sure you are registered as a "member" on our website so that you receive all of the updates.

For any particular concerns please email me direct at or message me on +16049022004.

We look forward to seeing you at our new venue, please standby for email updates about our opening date targeted for June 24th.

Lastly, I will be back in Hong Kong on July15th and look forward to seeing you in person and bringing you all the new initiatives I have had more than the usual time to research and source !

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